Useful commands. +fire & +send
+fire 30000 bolt
Last updated
+fire 30000 bolt
Last updated
xRocket can supplement public and private chats with its own commands. There are a few popular commands that are worth looking into.
+fire 10 bolt command that will allow you to give out 10 bolts in chat to random users. The user who has written the most messages in the last 72 hours is likely to get a bolt.
+send 1 scale will allow you to transmit the specified token or tone directly in the chat without leaving the chat.
You can send tokens that are in xRocket. You can read about listing of tokens here -
@xRocket 10 bolt = this command allows you to find out the coin rate and send it to the chat. The command is not popular, but very interesting, especially if you know where to apply it. You can specify your own parameters, for example, select a token and quantity to view the rate and share it in chat.
Select a course and click. The message will be sent to the chat and all users will see it. This message can be sent to any chat room, even one that does not have xRocket.